The Commissioners should identify strategies to align agency operations, increase program efficiency, improve data analysis and capacity, and to refine 60x30TX, if necessary, to ensure the state’s goals continue to reflect the state’s needs.


To improve the Tri-Agency infrastructure, a number of strategies have been identified related to agency work processes, program evaluation, data gaps, and 60x30TX goals. The Tri-Agency partners aim to advance many related goals, but traditional approaches to planning, monitoring, and measuring success are inadequate for effective collaboration. Efforts are being made to advance shared definitions of success for each cross-agency initiative. Thoughtful implementation work will continue to be necessary to tighten integration, as planning, accountability, and finance systems typically have been designed to work within single agencies.

Beyond implementing more consistent approaches to project and performance management, work must continue to ensure data from each partner agency can be connected in more coherent ways. Where data gaps or inconsistencies occur, policy decisions and agency practices can be misaligned. Moving forward, the partners will work to align their systems and actively overcome barriers to timely data analysis and collaboration. A modern state educational and workforce data infrastructure will enable the agencies, educational institutions, stakeholder organizations, employers, policymakers, and individual students and their families to have the information they need to make important decisions.