

The Commissioners should recommend strategies for improving the state’s capacity to produce credentials of value aligned with the needs of high-wage and high-demand occupations. Analyses should include:

  • Evaluations of workforce needs in various regions of the state and how these needs align with the credentials currently offered by educationalinstitutions; 
  • Recommendations to strengthen the value of Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses by ensuring multiple entry and exit points and opportunities for work-basedlearning;
  • Recommendations to improve the alignment of community college curricula with regional workforce needs, addressing the needs of first-time job seekers and life-longlearners; 
  • Recommendations to improve access toprivately-fundedinternships and to increase employer-sponsored educational opportunities for current employees; and
  • Recommendations for reducing state regulatory and licensing barriers to the broader creation and adoption of apprenticeships and up-skill/re-skill programs by industry.


To increase upskilling opportunities, a number of strategies have been identified related to workforce needs, career and technical education, student success, and regulatory barriers. TWC oversees numerous initiatives to facilitate the continuous learning and training of Texas workers. These activities are designed to increase an employee’s abilities and to minimize skill gaps employers may experience in the workplace. The Skills Development Fund, a primary example of an upskilling initiative, provides local, customized training opportunities for Texas businesses and workers. Success is achieved through collaboration among businesses, public community and technical colleges, Workforce Development Boards, and economic development partners. As we continue this work, the Tri-Agency partners recognize the need to increase the state’s capacity to provide education and training experiences that lead to high-value credentials aligned with the needs of high-wage and in-demand occupations.